It took some time to figure out exactly how Story Kit worked but now that I am comfortable with the app I think it is absolutely wonderful and completely user friendly. If you are hesitant about using iPad apps in your classroom this is a fabulous tool to start experimenting with. Here is a
step-by-step tutorial how to get started using Story Kit.
To give a little background on why I chose to use Story Kit I really liked that it allowed students to have ownership of their own learning. My students have just finished up a persuasive writing unit and they were working on convincing people to either buy a toy/object or not buy it. They followed pretty simple steps to complete their work.
1. Students write story
2. Students illustrate story
3. Take a picture of their writing with your iPad
4. Record each student reading their story with the audio button
5. Write their name on the main page and ask them to color the background
6. Save work
7. Click the share button to email it to yourself
It's really pretty simple!
Due to time restraints I only used 10 of my students for this project. But boy were my students were so proud when I showed them the final product last week. They all love hearing their voice come out from those large SmartBoard speakers (even if they pretended they're embarrassed!). Here is my students completed
StoryKit, enjoy!