Monday, April 22, 2013

And my Diigo library keeps on growing...

At first I was skeptical about the Diigo library. It seems a little daunting and not as "visually friendly" as I was hoping for (being the huge Pinterest lover that I am!). But...I'm happy to report that my appreciation for Diigo is growing. I really like using it now and find it helpful to store many of my "great (and sometimes random) finds". I like that you can label your finds and organize them for the future.

Here is a link to my Diigo account. Feel free to browse through my resources and "borrow" any that look helpful to you!

Photo Credit: Google Images

1 comment:

  1. Sam, I too wasn't exactly sure that Diigo was the right platform for me, considering that I am an avid Pinterest user. While I find myself using both platforms, I do agree that Diigo's organized interface enables much more efficient retrieval of information. While I do love the visual appeal of Pinterest, I appreciate the tags and searching capabilities afforded by Diigo. Pinterest can get a little too cumbersome at times, so I like to use these tools in tandem.
