Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Literacy Project in Progress...

After finishing my first Digital Story I am motivated to keep working on my Literacy Project. I am still in the beginning stages of implementation with my students and am currently working on teaching them important geographical features and landforms in our new geography unit. I may change gears a little and move on using this StoryKit to showcase my students hard work in our persuasive writing unit...but I'm not positive yet.

Check out the first draft here. Tomorrow I am going to tackle adding sound and recording my students talking so this really is a work in progress.


  1. This is a really good idea for two reasons. The first is that geography, in my opinion, doesn't get the proper amount of coverage that it should in the curriculum. Secondly, this project would be a great way for students to showcase their findings and learn from one another.

  2. Your firsties are going to eat this up! I agree with Patrick. Geography is often the "neglected child," for lack of a better comparison. Looks like this tool will be a great way to expose students to the fundamentals as they get busy creating!

    Have you used StoryKit before? I think I need to go out and get myself an iPad, so that I can experiment with all of these handy apps. Can't wait to see the finished product, Sam!

  3. I haven't heard of StoryKit before! I'm interested to see your final product. I really like that your definitions of these geographical regions are told by the words of your first graders. They are so authentic. I also agree with Paul and Andrea. Geography is a great area to focus in on!
